The use of "they" and "their" throughout this chapter bylaws is meant to be non-sexist language for "he/she" and "his/her". The use of "they" and "their" does not necessarily imply a plurality. BYLAWS OF ALPHA PHI OMEGA LAMBDA ALPHA CHAPTER EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY JOHNSON CITY, TENNESSEE PREAMBLE We, the members of Lambda Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity establish for the purpose of assembling college students in the fellowship of the principles of the Boy Scouts of America, to develop Leadership, to promote Friendship and provide Service to humanity, and to further the freedom that is our national, educational, and intellectual heritage do adopt these Bylaws. ARTICLE I - MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. OPEN MEMBERSHIP Membership in this chapter of Alpha Phi Omega shall be open to all students. Membership should be granted only upon the approval of the applicant by this chapter and after the applicant has fulfilled the membership requirements prescribed by the National Fraternity and by this chapter. SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITION A. PLEDGE MEMBERSHIP. A pledge is a student who is in good standing with the university who seeks active membership and has been installed as a pledge. Prior to the beginning of each pledge period, the Pledge Training Committee will prepare requirements, with the approval of the chapter at the first meeting after school starts, to be expected of the pledges before being initiated into membership. 1. Pledging is a duty of the Membership Committee with its primary function outlined in Article IV Section 2. All pledging will come under the authority of the Vice-President of Membership, and will be the responsibility of the Pledge Trainer. The membership Committee will assist and make recommendations as necessary. 2. The purpose of the pledge education program shall be to educate Pledges about Alpha Phi Omega -- both nationally and locally -- so that those who become Brothers will be able to participate fully and intelligently in the affairs of the Fraternity and will have a solid, factual understanding of what Alpha Phi Omega is all about. The program shall include a thorough review of the Pledge manual, section by section, and of each Chapter bylaw and policy. 3. Brothers must vote upon the number of rushees they want to take as pledges the week before the rush activities begin. 4. The Rush Committee must present a list of proposed pledges from the rushees. A pledge candidate must have attended at least one rush activity for consideration. Brothers should discuss the proposed list and every rushee that is added to the list must have a sponsor who speaks in their behalf. The final list must be approved by a majority vote where a quorum prevails. 5. Before the Initiation Ceremony, each pledge will pay a $20 initiation fee, of which $10 will be forwarded to the National Office, $3.75 will be for the service pin, and $6.25 will be for various expenses. Before the Activation Ceremony, each pledge will pay a $20 activation fee, which will be forwarded to the National Office. 6. A pledge must be enrolled in East Tennessee State University with at least one remaining semester following activation. Each pledge must complete a pledge period of a least eight weeks. 7. All pledges are required to attend two chapter meetings during their pledge period for consideration as a brother. 8. Every pledge must attend the activation ceremony to become a brother. 9. Pledges must attend one fellowship activity during the pledge period for consideration as a brother. 10. Each pledge must pass a midterm pledge test by 80% and a final pledge test by 85% and fulfilled all other requirements as set by the Membership Committee for consideration as a brother. 11. A pledge will be voted in to active membership under the following conditions: Part 1. A pledge vote-in is defined as: a meeting for the purpose of voting to extend membership to pledges. This meeting will be held before initiation and after the end of the pledge period. Part 2. Pledges having met all the mandatory requirements by the time of Pledge Vote-in will be extended membership following a block vote of acceptance by the fraternity. A three-fourths majority must prevail in this vote. 12. Each pledge must be recommended by their big brother, pledge trainer, pass a midterm vote by a simple majority of brotherhood and a final vote of three-fourths at a meeting where a quorum is present. 13. A written list of initiated pledges, approved for activation, will be presented to the active members at the General meeting preceding the activation ceremony. 14. The Executive Board reserves the right to grant or deny active membership to any pledge who fails to complete all requirements as outlined above. 15. A pledge member that has not fulfilled the requirements as outlined by the end of the pledge period must be either: A. De-pledged in accordance with the bylaws, or B. Granted a limited extension, by a vote of the brothers, after which the pledge member shall be considered for active membership. 16. A pledge may be De-pledged at any time prior to activation into active membership by a majority vote of the voting members present at any regular meeting where quorum prevails. Each pledge member must be considered for at least one de-pledging vote during a regular meeting, said vote to be announced at least two weeks prior to the date of voting. B. MEMBER DESIGNATE/NEOPHYTE. Neophyte Membership shall be conferred upon any Pledge member who has completed the chapter's pledging requirements, and who has been accepted by three-fourths vote of the active members, but hasn't participated in an Activation Ritual. This is a temporary membership type that exists between Pledge and Active classification. Neophyte members may not vote in chapter elections. C. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. An active member is a student in good standing with the university and chapter who has been initiated, is dues-paid, is in good standing with the National Office, and therefor is eligible to vote. Until the dues deadline, any member who has paid active dues the previous semester may vote. D. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. Associate membership is available to members of the Lambda Alpha chapter who wish to be involved in the activities, but have some conflict or other commitments of time and effort. Acceptable candidates for associate membership include but are not limited to: brothers who have heavy academic work loads, who suffer from medical conditions or other extenuating circumstances. E. ALUMNI MEMBERSHIP. Lambda Alpha chapter alumni membership maybe granted to all initiated members in good standing with the university who are no longer students at East Tennessee State University. For these purposes good standing is considered as members holding active, associate, advisor or honorary membership status upon leaving the university. F. ADVISORY MEMBERSHIP. The Lambda Alpha chapter may bestow Advisory membership upon persons approved by a majority vote of both the Advisory Committee and the Brotherhood at a regularly scheduled meeting, to serve on its advisory committee. Advisors have all the rights and privileges of active members except that of holding office in the Chapter, paying dues, the right to vote and the right to serve as a Big Brother. The chairman of the Advisory Committee, however, shall serve as a non-voting member of the Chapter's Executive Committee. Undergraduates may not serve as a Chapter advisor. G. TRANSFER STUDENTS - OUT. An active member who transfers from East Tennessee State University to another college/university on a permanent basis will forfeit the rights and privileges of their active membership in the Lambda Alpha Chapter.
H. TRANSFER MEMBERSHIP. Membership in the Lambda Alpha Chapter may be granted to a transfer from another chapter of Alpha Phi Omega in the following manner: 1. The transfer member makes a written application for transfer membership at which time a preliminary vote is taken. This vote is not binding on the Chapter, nor does it give the transfer student voting privileges. 2. During the following four-week period of review, the student's interest is judged by the brotherhood by attendance at Chapter meetings, projects and other functions as well as the effort put out by the transfer to meet the brothers. 3. Final approval may be granted four weeks after initial approval by a three-fourths vote of the Chapter, at which time full Chapter membership benefits and rights are granted to the new member. I. RETURNING MEMBERS. The privileges of active membership in this Chapter may be granted to former active members, honorably separated from East Tennessee State University, upon their return to the University, by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of voting members at any regularly scheduled meeting where quorum prevails. J. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP. This chapter may bestow Honorary Membership upon persons who have contributed significantly to the ideals and purposes of Alpha Phi Omega. Persons so honored shall have all of the rights and privileges of active membership except those of voting, holding office, and paying dues. Such membership may not be bestowed upon undergraduate students. Approval by a vote of at least three-fourths of the chapter membership shall be required for the awarding of honorary chapter membership. K. GRADUATE STUDENTS. Graduate students may serve in the Lambda Alpha Chapter either as active members or as advisory member. Before participating in any Chapter activities, the graduate student must decide and announce to the membership which role they desire; once this decision has been presented to the membership, it cannot be changed. If a graduate student has never been an active member of Alpha Phi Omega, they must go through the usual pledging program. L. INACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. A brother may choose inactive status, if they are unable to perform their required duties. An inactive brother has none of the rights of active membership. Reactivation would then require extra service hours, payment of any dues or fines already owed to the chapter and a three-fourths vote of the full brotherhood and must occur at least one semester before the date of graduation of the inactive brother wishing reactivation. SECTION III MEMBERSHIP All members of Lambda Alpha Chapter will be of either active or associate status. A. Active Membership 1. Active membership in this chapter will be conferred upon students of East Tennessee State University who are in accordance with the principles of Alpha Phi Omega and the boy Scouts of America as embodied in the Scout Oath and Law; who, are so encouraged, but not required by this chapter upon activation to be registered members of any Boy or Girl Scout movement recognized by the International Association; and who have successfully completed the period of pledgeship. Active membership will carry all rights and responsibilities in this chapter. Active membership will continue so long as the member remains in good standing in this chapter, does not become an associate member, and continues enrollment in this educational institution. 2. Active members are required: to participate in at least one committee; to fulfill at least a minimum number of hours as determined at chapter planning each year by a majority vote of the membership; to contribute to chapter fund-raising activities. Active members are required to attend all General Meetings and ceremonies unless excused prior to the meeting/ceremony by sending a note to the Recording Secretary in a timely fashion. 3. Attendance at meetings, including committee meetings, is required. Any absences must be excused by the executive committee after the brother presents a valid, written excuses to the chapter secretary. Each brother is responsible to contact an executive committee member to find out what occurred at the meeting. Every un-excused absence from a meeting will result in a fine of two dollars or any fine that is determined to be acceptable by a majority of the active members present at a meeting where a quorum prevails. After missing two un-excused chapter meetings, brothers will lose voting rights. In addition, missing three un-excused chapter meetings will result in probationary membership. Excessive absence, un-excused or excused, will result in suspension. "Excessive absence" will be determined by the executive committee. 4. Half of the required service hours must be completed with the fraternity or through fraternity sponsored planned events. The other half may come from any other source. 5. Maintaining a 2.0 GPA is required of all active brothers. 6. Attendance at least one rush event, induction ceremonies, activation ceremonies and the Chapter Program Planning Conference, hereafter known as the CPPC, are mandatory. A valid excuse is necessary if such an event is missed. Un-excused absences from mandatory events will result in a fine of ten dollars or any fine that is determined to be acceptable by a majority of the brothers present at a meeting where a quorum prevails. If a charge was made to brothers participating in a mandatory event, any brother who is not present, excused or un-excused, must pay the amount paid by participating brothers. Failure to pay debts by the end of the semester will result in suspension until all debts are paid. 7. Brothers are required to attend one fellowship event passed by the chapter per semester. Failure to do so will be considered "excessive absence," and will result in probation. 8. If a brother signs up for a service project and does not attend without notifying the executive committee before or soon after the project with a written excuse that is passed by the executive committee, they are subject to the following: a. for all events signed up for and missed without finding a replacement or without a valid excuse, they will pay the chapter a fine of $2. b. their absence will reflect on a record of excessive absence. 9. A member of the chapter that has not met the requirements for active membership may be granted active membership by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the voting members at any regular meeting where a quorum prevails. 10. A member who falls into inactive status solely due to non-completing of the required service hours during the preceding semester must be considered for reactivation after having made up any lacking service hours during the semester breaks, with a maximum of ten. Active membership will then be restored if an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the voting members present at a regular meeting is received. 11. Any member who falls into inactive status due to excessive absences shall be ineligible for reactivation for the duration of the semester. At the beginning of the following semester the member's status shall remain inactive and may be changed to active by a three-fourths vote at the discretion of the chapter. B. Associate Membership 1. Associate membership may be conferred upon active members who find it necessary to cease full involvement in Chapter affairs because of other commitments of time and effort. Associate Membership may be conferred on any active member during the first five weeks of the semester by a majority vote of the Chapter. Active status may be restored later in the semester by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of voting members at a regularly scheduled meeting where quorum prevails. All privileges, responsibilities, and obligation are restored immediately, with the exception of voting rights, which are not restored until the next regular meeting. Unless renewed, a member's status shall change from associate to inactive at the end of the fifth week of the semester following that which associate status was confirmed. 2. Associate members must pay a separate fee of $10 for one semester in addition to regular dues. This associate fee will compensate for a lack of participation on fund-raising and service activities. Associate members have no voting privileges, but must attend one meeting a month and may participate in discussions, and work on service projects. In addition, attendance at CPPC, Induction and Activation ceremonies is required. Members are allowed one semester of on-campus associate membership. An associate member must report to the associate secretary at least one service related activity completed during the term of association. C. Probation 1. An active member will be placed on probation in this chapter under any of the following conditions: a. excessive absence (see Section III, A.3), missing more than the equivalent of three meetings in one semester, regular or special, mandatory Rush events, pledge initiations or activations, vote-ins, CPPC, the yearly election of chapter officers or any other meetings/events deemed mandatory by the Executive Board. A member may be excused by the Executive Board for extenuating circumstances, such as class related activities, medical and/or family emergencies, etc. The member shall have a review before the Executive Board to plead their case. b. By not accumulating the required number of hours of service per semester or by failing to serve on a committee. 2. An associate member will be placed on probation in this chapter under any of the following conditions: a. Not paying dues. b. Failure to complete one service project and report to Associate Secretary. 3. A member on probation shall not be entitled to voting rights, the right to hold office, or attending social functions. 4. A member on probation shall be required to fulfill all the requirements of an active brother, with the exception of attending social events. 5. A chapter member on probation may attain good standing by obtaining an additional five service hours and submitting a written request to the Executive Board by the last Executive Board meeting of the probationary period. In addition, the requirements of the brother's current membership status must be fulfilled by the end of the semester. The Executive board shall review the request. The probationary member may be reactivated by a three-fourths vote of the general membership. 6. Any member placed on probation must remain on probation for a minimum of four weeks. 7. Any member placed on probation must complete the requirements for membership by the last Executive Board meeting of the same semester in which the member started their probationary period. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of membership. 8. Any member placed on probation during the last four weeks of the semester will not begin the probationary period until the start of the next semester. 9. Any member placed on probation during the member's last enrolled semester before graduation must be reactivated by the end of that semester, even if placed on probation in the last four weeks of the semester, in order to remain an active brother in good standing and to become an alumni member. D. Suspension of Membership For just cause and after due deliberation a member may be suspended from the chapter. As this is a serious matter, an affirmative vote of ninety percent of the voting members at a regularly scheduled meeting is required. There shall be a one-week period from the time that the member is brought up for suspension until the date of the vote. During this period, the Executive Committee must meet and discuss the proposed motion. Members suspended in this manner may not claim ongoing membership with the Lambda Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. E. Restoration of Membership Membership suspended in such a manner may be reinstated upon written request of the suspended member, payment of one semester's dues by the suspended member, and upon an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the voting members present at a regularly scheduled meeting where quorum prevails. F. Chapter Expulsion This chapter shall have the authority to expel members for just cause and after due deliberation. As this is a serious matter, an affirmative vote of ninety percent of the voting members at a regularly scheduled meeting is required. There shall be a one-week period from the time that the member is brought up for suspension until the date of the vote. During this period, the Executive Committee must meet and discuss the proposed motion. Upon chapter expulsion of a member, the chapter may, at its discretion, petition the National Board of Directors for a letter of national suspension to be affixed to the individual's membership record.
G. Advisors 1. National Bylaws require three faculty and one scouting advisor to be voted on by the chapter before Nov 15 of every year. 2. Advisors must: a. attend one brother meeting per month. b. attend one pledge meeting per month. c. attend all of the Advisory Board meetings. d. attend CPPC, Induction and Activation ARTICLE II - FEES SECTION I DUES The chapter dues for membership will be set by the Treasurer, reviewed by the Executive Board and approved by the brotherhood. Dues shall be paid in accordance with the payment schedule set forth by the Treasurer. Brothers shall be given at least one meetings notice prior to the date of collection. Those brothers having difficulties meeting their financial commitments must meet with the Treasurer prior to the due date to make other payment arrangements. Those who fail to pay will automatically be placed on probation as set forth under Article I, section III, part C. If dues are not paid by the end of the semester, membership will be suspended until all debts owed to the fraternity are paid. SECTION II ASSESSMENTS In the event of a financial debt incurred by the chapter, the chapter may levy equal assessments upon the active chapter members by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the active members present at a meeting where a quorum prevails. All actives should pay these assessments within a one month period after their assessment. Failure to pay will result in probationary membership. If the amount is not paid by the end of the semester, membership will be suspended until all debts owed to the fraternity are paid. SECTION III RESPONSIBLE PARTIES Those responsible for paying chapter dues will include all active and associate members. However, any member who is away from school for the semester (e.g. study-abroad, personal reasons) will not be required to pay chapter dues for that semester. SECTION IV REIMBURSEMENTS Brothers requesting a reimbursement must submit receipts in person or by mail to the Treasurer within 10 days of the event, unless otherwise approved by the Treasurer. The Treasurer will reimburse within one week of receipt of the receipt. SECTION V FEES A. Non attendance to chapter meetings shall result in a $2.00 fine for each un-excused meeting missed plus loss of voting privileges after two un-excused absences. B. Un-excused non-attendance to mandatory events planned one month prior to the date of the event shall result in a $10.00 fine for each event missed plus any amount paid by participating brothers. C. Signing up for a service project and not coming to the said event without finding a replacement or without calling an executive officer and/or person in charge of the project with excuse, shall result in a $2.00 fine. (Article I, Section III, 8 a&b) D. Failure to pay fines, after the loss of voting privileges, will result in fraternity probation. E. Failure to pay all fees assessed by the end of semester will result in suspension of chapter membership until all debts owed to the fraternity are paid. ARTICLE III - OFFICERS AND DUTIES SECTION I EXECUTIVE OFFICERS A. Officers Enumerated The Executive Officers of this chapter will be: President, Vice-President of Service, Vice-President of Membership, Vice-President of Fellowship, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Historian, and will serve for a full-year term beginning the last meeting of the spring term, unless stated otherwise. These offices may not be co-chaired. When it becomes necessary to combine or separate any of the Fraternity offices listed in this article, due to the size of the Fraternity, the changes will be determined by the Executive Board before the nominations of officers, and approved by the chapter, having three-fourths voting members present. B. Official Duties All officers are expected to attend all General and Executive Board meetings. Any absences must be approved by the President prior to the meeting in question. Also, all officers are required to maintain an updated notebook that can be passed down to the next person in their position. 1. President a. Prerequisite. The candidate must have previously held an office on the Executive Board in the Fraternity. In the event that an active member who does not meet the prerequisite wishes to run against one or more active members who do, if showing exceptional and outstanding abilities for the position, having held at least two semesters of positions outlined within these Bylaws or one semester of an elected position may be nominated as a Presidential candidate if the nomination is approved by three-fourths of active members present and voting. b. Duties. The President will preside at all chapter meetings, be a member of the Advisory Board, and serve as ex-officio member of all committees. They will see that the chapter is run according to the National By-laws and the Chapter Constitution. They will insure that there is proper communication within the chapter, with the Sectional Chair, the National Office and with other chapters. They will coordinate the functions of all chapter officers and committees, and perform any other duties required of their office. 2. Vice-President of Service a. Prerequisites. The candidate must have one semester of active membership in the Fraternity and have held an elected position (experience with the Service Committee is recommended). b. Duties. The Vice-President of Service will serve as chair of the Service Committee. They will supervise and oversee all service projects and execute any assignments the President may prescribe. They will also perform all presidential duties in the absence of the President. 3. Vice-President of Membership a. Prerequisites. The candidate must have one semester of active membership in the fraternity and have held an elected office (experience with the Membership Committee is recommended). b. Duties. The Vice-President of Membership will preside over the Retention Chair, Pledge Trainer, Extension Chair. The Vice-President of membership will serve as overseer of all membership committees and keep all members informed of their status within the Fraternity. The Vice-President of membership will ensure the coordination of the pledge program with the chapter program and activities. They will also secure membership applications from pledges and new members and forward them to the National Office by the deadline set by Nationals. They shall keep in their file duplicates of each membership application beginning with the charter members, and including all subsequent members. In the Absence of the President and the Vice-President of Service, the Vice-President of Membership will perform all presidential duties.
4. Vice-President of Fellowship a. Prerequisites. The candidate must have one semester of active membership in the Fraternity and have held an elected position (experience with the Fellowship Committee is recommended). b. Duties. The Vice-President of Fellowship will oversee the Fellowship Committee and shall coordinate all intra and inter-chapter social functions. They will perform all other such duties as required by their office. 5. Treasurer a. Prerequisites. The candidate must have one semester of active membership in the Fraternity and have held an elected position (experience with the Finance Committee is recommended). The candidate must have good accounting and bookkeeping skills. b. Duties. i. The Treasurer will oversee the Fund-raising Chair and Finance Committee. ii. Will receive all monies of the chapter and keep an accurate record of chapter funds, make payments of chapter accounts, and make payments to the National Office. iii. They will diligently collect all membership fees and dues, pledge initiation fees and all assessments, and to report the collection of membership dues to the Recording Secretary for the purpose of maintaining an accurate roster of members. iv. Report annually to the United States Internal Revenue Service on form 990 and 900 A, and will have all records ready to be audited when the chapter or University deem it necessary. v. To keep an accurate written record of payments made by each individual member of the Fraternity, either for the National fraternity or for the chapter, and give a written receipt for all such funds. vi. To transmit promptly all funds due to the National Fraternity for pledge fees, national membership fees and supplies, and to keep on file all receipts from such payments. vii. To have the chapter financial records audited at the close of their term of office by chapter and University officials, as determined by the Executive Committee. viii. To have all chapter accounting records available for viewing within three days of a request by a brother. ix. The term of the Treasurer will terminate on month after the last day of finals at which point their books will be closed. Any further transaction for the semester will be posted in the new Treasurer's books and indicated as such. x. The Treasurer-Elect will work closely with the outgoing Treasurer to ensure a smooth transition of office. 6. Recording Secretary a. Prerequisites The candidate must have one semester of active membership in the Fraternity, have good writing and organizational skills, and must have the ability to keep and maintain accurate records. b. Duties. I. To keep and make available accurate written records of the proceeding of all chapter Executive Board Meetings. ii. To keep accurate record of attendance at all Executive Board meetings. iii. To prepare, print and distribute the chapter Roster, this includes phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses (if available) of all brothers and pledges. iv. To make available complete and up-to-date sets of chapter and National Bylaws to those members requesting them. v. to maintain a file of platforms for each office. vi. To collect and distribute the chapter mail in a timely fashion. vii. To keep an accurate written record of the proceedings of all chapter meetings. viii. They shall maintain a record book in which the minutes and attendance are kept and have the current record book on hand at all meetings. 7. Historian a. Prerequisites. The candidate must have one semester of active membership in the Fraternity and have good organizational and photographic skills. b. Duties. The Historian will write a detailed and accurate history of the chapter for the term and keep a scrapbook of memorabilia. The Historian will present chapter history to the pledge class, and also to the membership at the last meeting of the term. They will maintain a history book containing photographs, news clippings and the chapter history, including projects, a list of officers updated and appointed, humorous happenings, and an account of fellowship activities. They are responsible for the promotion and preservation of Chapter traditions and updating the Pledge Manual's Chapter History section. They will also perform all other duties that the office may require or that the President may assign. SECTION II ELECTED OFFICERS A. Elected Officers Enumerated Elected positions of this chapter will be: Academic Secretary, Alumni Secretary, Campus Chair, Community Chair, Corresponding Secretary, Court Jester, Extension Chair, Fraternity Chair, Fraternity Educator, Fraternity Mediator, Fund-raising Chair, Homecoming Chair, Nation Chair, Public Relations Chair, Reservation Chair, Retention Chair, Rush Chair, Scouting Representative, Sergeant-At-Arms, Spirit Chair, and Technology Chair. B. Official Duties Prerequisites: Only active members may hold elected positions. Candidates may be either active members or pledges who anticipate completing their activation requirements. Participation in the relevant committee/project/activity is recommended. 1. Academic Secretary: The academic secretary shall check the GPA of all members on a semesterly basis and shall turn in GPA information to both Corresponding Secretary and Retention chair. They shall perform all other such duties as required by their office. This member will serve on the Membership Committee. 2. Alumni Secretary: In addition to the aforementioned prerequisites, the candidate will have good letter writing and organizational skills. This member will serve as a member of the Membership Committee. The Alumni Secretary will maintain an accurate record of current addresses and occupations of all alumni and will share this information with the National Office. They will work in cooperation with other officers in planning at least one major event to which the alumni may attend as honored position in the program. They will also plan ways to recognize alumni returning to campus and keep them informed through a regular alumni correspondence. The Alumni Secretary will report names and addresses of graduating seniors to the ETSU Alumni Office. And in cases where an alumni chapter exists, they will act as a liaison between alumni chapter and active chapter. 3. Campus Chair: This member will serve as a member of the Service Committee. They will maintain an accurate notebook of names, addresses, and phone numbers of faculty/staff involvement in student activities planning, a complete list of faculty and reports of all campus projects completed by the chapter. They will also have an up-to-date calendar of campus activities. They will work with the other service chairs for the purpose of project planning. 4. Community Chair: This member will serve as a member of the Service Committee. They will maintain an accurate notebook of names, addresses, and phone numbers of community organizations who work with or have worked for Alpha Phi Omega. They will also keep a list of all community projects completed by the chapter. They will have an up-to-date calendar of community activities and will work with other service chairs for the purpose of project planning. 5. Corresponding Secretary: In addition to the aforementioned general prerequisites, this candidate will have a genuine desire to maintain communications with members, other chapters and other appropriate campus organizations and possess good letter writing skills. The Corresponding Secretary will maintain communications with the members by sending informational letters to all members at lest two times each semester. In addition, the Corresponding Secretary will maintain an accurate record of current addresses and status of all members and report this information to the appropriate office. They will also compile a list of members summer/winter break phone numbers and addresses. This member will be a member of the Fellowship Committee. 6. Court Jester: The Court Jester shall enhance chapter meetings and activities at appropriate times with comic relief, impromptu entertainment and goodwill (e.g. interpretive readings and dance of the friendship journal at chapter meetings- NOTE: tights and/or tutu highly encouraged). They shall perform all other such duties as required by their office. This member is a member of the Fellowship Committee. 7. Extension Chair: The Extension Chair will be responsible for the reactivation or building-up of local chapters within Region IV, according to Regional goals. The chair is responsible for correspondence with these chapters and other active chapters, as well as traveling as needed. This member is a member of the Fellowship Committee. 8. Fraternity Chair: This member will serve as a member of the Service Committee. The Fraternity Chair will maintain a notebook containing addresses, phone numbers and reports of all fraternity service projects. They will maintain an up-to-date calendar of chapter events. They will meet with other service chairs for the purpose of project planning. 9. Fraternity Educator: In addition to the aforementioned general prerequisites, this candidate must also have completed one semester of active membership. The Fraternity Educator has the responsibility of preparing the pledges for active membership and chairing the pledging committee, and recommending to the Executive Board those pledges eligible for activation. They must attend one Executive Board Meeting a month to report on the progress of the pledges. The Fraternity Educator is also responsible for maintaining among the active members, the knowledge they attained as pledges and testing them on said knowledge. This member will be a member of the Membership Committee. 10. Fraternity Mediator: The Fraternity mediator shall be a support person for members who have conflicts and/or personal needs. They shall act as a liaison between the pledges and brothers, working in conjunction with the Fraternity Educator. They shall be responsible for conduction and compiling evaluations of Executive Officers and non-executive officers and for completing this process by Thanksgiving Break. At the completion of their term, they shall also be responsible for assisting with officer transition activities. They shall perform all other such duties as required by their office. 11. Fund-raising Chair: The fund-raising Chair will plan and oversee all activities for the purpose of fund-raising and coordinate efforts in ordering official Alpha Phi Omega paraphernalia with the Treasurer. This member will be a member of the Finance Committee. 12. Homecoming Chair: This member is responsible for coordinating homecoming activities. They shall be responsible for reading the Homecoming handbook and being knowledgeable of all rules and regulations regarding activities for the week. They are in charge of making sure all funds are appropriated for Homecoming activities and should notify the chapter of all events, rules and activities. They are responsible for designating a chair for each homecoming activity. They cannot be a member of the ETSU Homecoming Committee. This office is to be elected at the end of the Spring Semester. 13. Nation Chair: This member is a member of the Service Committee. They are to maintain a notebook containing names, addresses and phone numbers of national organizations and reports of all national service projects completed by the chapter. They will carry out all necessary correspondence with national organizations for the purpose of maintaining an up-to-date calendar of their activities. They will meet with the other service chairs for the purpose of project planning. 14. Public Relations Chair: The Public Relations Chair is primarily responsible for the advertisement of all major Fraternity events and keeping the chapter, college and community updated on these events. The Public Relations Chair will be responsible for submitting articles to the various Alpha Phi Omega national publications as well. 15. Reservation Chair: This officer is responsible for filling out paperwork concerning booth and room reservations pertaining to chapter ceremonies, fund-raisers, meetings, socials, and service projects and reporting back to the parties in charge of said function. 16. Retention Chair (Attendance Keeper): In addition to the aforementioned prerequisites, The Retention Chair must possess good organizational and record-keeping skills. The Retention Chair will keep accurate records of each member's attendance at all General Meetings and any other required event, as well as each member's service hours. They will send notices to those members who have two or more un-excused absences from any required activity and will periodically inform members if they have earned few service hours. This member is a member of the Membership Committee 17. Rush Chair: The Rush Chair shall be in charge of the Rush program as reviewed by the Executive Board and accepted by the brotherhood. They shall propose the mandatory Rush requirements for both Rushees and brothers. They shall be responsible for keeping a detailed record of attendance, including excuses, for each rush requirement. This record of attendance must be present at Rush Vote-In. They shall designate a time when bids will be extended and recruit a minimum of 15 brothers, to be divided into groups of no less than 5 brothers, for the purposes of bid extension. They shall perform all other such duties as required by their office. This member will be a member of the Membership Committee. 18. Scouting Representative: The Scouting Representative will maintain contact with the Boy Scouts of America. They will plan at least one activity with a scouting organization per semester. This member will serve on the Service Committee. 19. Sergeant-At-Arms: In addition to the aforementioned prerequisites the Sergeant-At-Arms must have completed at least once semester of active membership and have working knowledge of parliamentary procedure. They will keep and maintain all chapter ritual materials and other chapter properties, guard the portal and perform such parliamentary and disciplinary procedures as are deemed necessary. They will prepare, distribute and collect and in the event that no advisors are present, the Sergeant-At-Arms, along with a party of non-voting members, shall count the ballots any time a vote is called for. The Sergeant-At-Arms will also be responsible for overseeing, interpreting and reviewing the chapter constitution and/or its' revision. They must have current by-laws at all meetings. The Sergeant-At-Arms, in conjunction with the President, shall devise a working system with which to run the meetings, based on the principles of Robert's Rules. 20. Spirit Chair: the Spirit Chair shall make signs for birthdays and other requested events (e.g. good luck and get well soon wishes) on behalf of the brotherhood. In addition, the spirit chair may also plan events to keep the morale of the brotherhood high (e.g. letter-making parties, rewards for wearing letters, and random acts of kindness). They shall perform all other such duties as required by their office. They will be a member of the Fellowship Committee. 21. Technology Chair: The Technology Chair shall further the use of technology within the chapter and in communication with other chapter. They will organize and store all materials necessary, maintain the chapter web page, send e-mails to brothers as needed, and implement any new technology that will be useful to the chapter. They shall perform all other such duties as required by their office. ARTICLE IV - COMMITTEES SECTION I REQUIREMENTS All committees are made up of officers designated to be in that committee by their office and any interested members of said committee (with the exception of the Executive Committee). All committee chairs are responsible for reporting to the Treasurer un-excused absences from meetings, mandatory events and sign-ups, as well as any other fined event. SECTION II COMMITTEES A. Executive Committee: chairperson: The President of the chapter 1. The voting members of the Executive Committee shall consist of the President, all Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Historian and the Chair of the Advisory Committee, who will have voice but no vote in committee business. 2. Committee quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the voting active Brothers on the committee. 3. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be open to general chapter membership upon announcement of member wishing to attend. 4. The Executive committee is to be responsible for formulating a program at the beginning of each term in office, which shall be subject to approval by a simple majority of the Active Brothers present at a meeting where quorum prevails. This program shall include a tentative outline of the chapter activities for the next semester. 5. The Executive Committee shall formulate a yearly budget in conjunction with the Finance Committee. 6. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every week to execute its duties. 7. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President, or upon written request of the majority of the membership of the Executive Committee. 8. The Executive Committee and all its officers will be bound by the decision of the chapter. Exception: Article I, Section III, Clause O. B. Service Committee: chairperson: Vice President of Service 1. The Service Committee will be comprised of the elected chairpersons of all service areas including but not limited to: Campus Chair, Community Chair, Fraternity Chair, Nation Chair and Scouting Representative as well as those members interested in developing and evaluating the Service Program. 2. To ensure that the chapter service program has a balance of Service Projects that meets the needs of the chapter membership. 3. To obtain suggestions for service projects from all possible sources including, but not limited to, the following: Scouting Advisors, college officials, campus organizations, other Brothers, students and national organizations. 4. To present proposed projects to the Executive Committee and to the chapter for approval. 5. To ensure that all details of every project are planned. 6. To maintain a constant check on all details during each project and to follow the project through to its conclusion. 7. To ensure that the chapter participates in National Service Day and National Service Week. C. Membership Committee: Chairperson: Vice President of Membership 1. The membership committee will be comprised of the following elected persons: Academic Secretary, Alumni Secretary, Fraternity Educator, Fraternity Mediator, Public Relations Chair, Retention Chair, Rush Chair and any member interested in the development and evaluation of membership programs. 2. To plan and execute the chapter membership program, encouraging the chapter's membership recruitment, education, and retention. 3. To plan, publicize, and coordinate membership campaigns. 4. To plan open meetings to which prospective members shall be invited. 5. To plan the chapter pledge program subject to approval by a majority vote of Active Brothers at the second regularly schedule meeting where quorum prevails. 6. To check the qualifications and eligibility of prospective members and recommend them for membership. 7. To develop and execute a membership retention program where Active Brothers who have not attended recent events are contacted for the purpose of informing them of recent and upcoming activities, and where appropriate, to inform them of inactive or associate status. 8. To deliver invitations in person to the prospectives receiving a majority of the votes cast by the brotherhood. 9. To coordinate weekly activities to boost morale and facilitate membership retention. D. Fellowship Committee: Chairperson: Vice President of Fellowship 1. The Fellowship Committee will be comprised of the following elected persons: Corresponding Secretary, Court Jester, Extension Chair, and Spirit Chair, as well as any member interested in the development and evaluation of the Fellowship Program. 2. To plan fellowship activities and events in order to foster friendship throughout the semester, this includes work on the formal. 3. To work with the Awards chair to see that banquets are held semiannually. 4. To appoint subcommittees as needed. E. Finance Committee: Chairperson: Treasurer 1. The Finance Committee will be comprised of the Fund-Raising Chair and any member interested in the development and evaluation of the Finance Program. 2. To formulate an annual budget which shall include a tentative outline of income and expenditures during the committee's term of office to be approved by a majority vote of the active members at a meeting where a quorum prevails. 3. To direct chapter expenditures. 4. To report the chapter financial condition to the Executive Committee. 5. To propose chapter pledge and activation fees. The proposal shall be subject to approval by a majority vote of active Brothers present at a meeting where quorum prevails. 6. The Finance Committee shall have one subcommittee, to be chaired by the Fund-Raising Chair, in charge of planning fund-raising events, including the Jail-n-Bail. F. Advisory Committee 1. The Chairperson of the Advisory Committee shall be selected by the Advisory Committee at a meeting to be held at the same time of year as the election of officers. They shall chair any meetings of the Advisory Committee for the purpose of discussing and making suggestions for the chapter program and administration. They shall have a voice on the Executive board. They shall attend meetings regularly and serve as advisor at all times to the chapter, it's members and its officers. They shall help to get the program and administration of the chapter underway at the beginning of each school year. They are responsible for ensuring the presence of at least on advisor at every Executive Board meeting and Brothers meeting and all advisors at ritual and initiation. They shall make periodic reports in writing to the National Fraternity as outlined in the requirements of the National Constitution. They shall call and preside at special chapter meetings upon the written request of three-fourths of the active members in good standing, when it is not possible to secure a special meeting through the regular procedure. They shall serve as presiding officer at any trials of misconduct of chapter meetings, activities, or events. They shall cast a deciding vote in cases where a majority vote must prevail, when the president's vote is not the deciding vote. They shall perform all other such duties as required by their office. 2. The Advisory Committee shall meet once per month during fall and spring semesters. At each meeting, the chapter President shall give a report on the status of the chapter. 3. The committee shall discuss and make recommendations concerning any problems or questions expressed by any chapter Brother. G. Awards Committee This committee of no more than fifteen members will consist of at least one member from each pledge class, including the current pledge class. This Committee will be responsible for overseeing the annual submittal of the H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award and other national awards and recognitions as determined by the membership, i.e. Arno Nowotny National Service Award, Josiah Frank Historian Award, M. R. Disborough Scouting Service Award. This Committee will also select the recipients of the Brother of the month, Brother of the year, Best Pledge, Best Big Brother and Most Hours awards. They will receive nominations for the Chapter Distinguished Service Key and Honorary Membership. Upon receipt of any nominations, the committee will discuss and determine whether or not to bestow said honors. Candidates must receive a three-fourths majority of the Committee in support of the honors. The Vice President of Membership will appoint the chairperson of this committee who is to remain anonymous to the rest of the chapter. No brother shall serve as committee chairman for consecutive semesters. H. Nominations Committee. 1. Three weeks before each chapter officers' election the chapter shall appoint a nominations committee, comprised of one member of each academic classification and one non-returning Executive Board member. The member of the Freshman class may be a pledge. The committee shall present no more than three nominations for each elected office from a list of nominations suggested by the chapter. 2. This committee shall be a five person committee with an advisor present in case of tie. 3. No brother shall serve as committee chair for consecutive semesters. I. Constitution Revision Committee This Committee will be organized by the Sergeant-At-Arms and will be comprised of at least one member from each pledge class currently represented in the membership. This standing committee will convene each spring to review the chapter constitution and propose amendments where necessary to reflect the needs of the chapter, and evaluate amendments proposed by other members. J. Temporary Committees The chapter President may appoint committees to deal with such issues as deemed necessary. Appointments shall require a majority vote of Active Brothers present at a meeting where quorum prevails. ARTICLE V - NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS SECTION 1 NOMINATIONS No nominations will be taken from the floor nor ballot write-ins accepted. A person may be nominated by written recommendation from the current officer/chair, written nomination by a member, written self-nomination, or nomination by the Nominations Committee. A brother who loses voting privileges will not be allowed to run for an Executive Office. All nominations must be received by the committee no later than three weeks prior to elections. The final slate of candidates will be presented at the general meeting at least one week prior to elections. NOTE: A member can run for more than one office but can only hold one office. SECTION 2 ELECTIONS A. Election Procedures 1. Election meeting. Election of positions will occur at the general meeting closest to May 1. The Sergeant-At-Arms will preside at the election meeting. Quorum must be present for elections to occur. 2. Ballots. The ballots for each position will be prepared by the Nominations Committee. The ballots will include each position name, nominees and their number of service hours within a set range (i.e. 20-25, or +/- 25) as determined by this committee and approved by the Executive Board. The final slate of nominees will be displayed before the entire membership throughout the election meeting. 3. Speeches and Discussion. All nominees or their proxy will be allowed two minutes for a speech prior to the election for their respective positions. Nominees will then leave the room and any pertinent discussion from the membership may be conducted for a period not to exceed four minutes. These discussions will be confidential and/or anonymous.
4. Voting. Each position will be voted and counted individually after each speech/discussion session. The ballots will be tallied by advisors. In the event that advisors need assistance, a committee of available associate members will be formed by the Sergeant-At-Arms prior to the elections meeting. The position must be won by a majority vote of those present and voting. If no candidate receives a majority, there will be an immediate revote between the two candidates who have received the most votes. There will be no in abstentia or proxy voting accepted for elections. 5. Open positions. In the event that during elections a position is unfilled for any reason, the Nominations Committee will accept written nominations and the election will occur at the next general meeting. B. Resignations. Any member desiring to resign from an office/position should submit a letter to the Executive Board. Upon receiving a letter of this nature, the Fraternity as a whole must accept the letter and discuss the possible causes of the resignation and attempt to correct or remedy the situation which led to the resignation, so that similar occurrences do not take place for the same reasons. The letter of resignation will become a part of the President's file and a copy will be placed in the positions respective file. C. Filling a Vacant Position. When a vacancy of position occurs, due to resignation or any other reason, it will be the duty of the Executive Board to meet and decide when the election will take place. This election should take place as soon as possible. Any current position holder who chooses to run for the vacant position may do so. If a current position holder is elected, the position vacated must be filled at the next general meeting. D. Filling a Vacant Office Four Weeks Prior to Annual Elections. If the annual election of the positions of this Fraternity is less than four weeks away when a vacancy occur, no election will be held, and the President will appoint any member of the Fraternity to perform the duties of the vacant position (as well as the duties of the current position if already a position holder). E. Impeachment and Removal from Position. If an elected leader (offices and positions) fails to execute the duties as prescribed or (for Executive members) missing any two Executive Board meetings per semester, unless excused by the Executive Board, they may be impeached by a petition of fifty percent of the active membership The leader in question will be given the opportunity to defend themselves and the opportunity to resign at that time. If the elected leader does not resign, they may be removed from their position by a three-fourths vote of the members present at the next General Meeting. Any Executive Officer who loses their voting privileges will also lose their office. ARTICLE VI - MEETINGS AND VOTING SECTION I MEETINGS A. In accordance with the Standard Articles of Association, general meetings of the chapter will be held at least once a week. B. special meetings may be called at any time by a simple majority of the Executive Board or if a petition containing the signatures of one-third of the active membership in good standing of the chapter is presented to the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee. In this event, the Chairperson shall call and preside over a special meeting of the chapter within 15 days after receipt of the request. A notice of all special meetings shall contain statement of the purpose of the meetings or of special business to be transacted. C. Three-fourths majority of the active members of the Fraternity constitutes a quorum. SECTION 2 VOTING A. A quorum must be present any time a vote is taken. Quorum is assumed unless a count is requested. B. A vote is passed by a simple majority unless otherwise indicated in these By-laws. C. Brother/Pledge Involvement 1. Any member who, after due process, is determined by the Executive Board to be dating a pledge shall be prohibited from voting on any measure pertaining to the pledge class or any single member of the pledge class of which said pledge is a member for the duration of the semester. 2. In the event that the Fraternity Educator, after due process, is determined by the Executive Board to be dating a pledge, the office shall be considered forfeit and vacant. The President shall then function as Acting Fraternity Educator until such time as a new Fraternity Educator can be elected. 3. Any member who has an immediate family member within the pledge class shall be prohibited from voting for the duration of the semester on any measure pertaining to the pledge class or any single member of the pledge class of which the family member is a part. D. There will be no voting by proxy. ARTICLE VII - CONSTITUTION REVISION/AMENDMENT SECTION 1 THE POWER TO AMEND The power to amend the constitution lies with the membership. SECTION 2 PROCEDURES FOR AMENDMENT Any member(s) wishing to propose an amendment must submit a written proposal of the amendment and its rationale to the Sergeant-At-Arms. The Constitution Committee will determine the proposals to be placed on the agenda. Proposals not placed on the agenda by the Constitution Committee may be brought to the floor only by the individual(s) proposing the amendment, or by a petition signed by five percent of the membership. SECTION 3 VOTE REQUIRED TO AMEND An affirmative vote equivalent to three-fourths of the total votes cast by those members present and voting will be necessary for the adoption of any amendment to this Chapter Constitution. The presence of a quorum is required to pass any amendment. SECTION 4 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF CONSTITUTION Portions of the Chapter Constitution may be temporarily suspended with the three-fourths majority of those members present and voting. The presence of a quorum is required to temporarily suspend the Constitution. This suspension should not last more than one semester. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 1 POLITICS Whereas, the Lambda Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega is a nonpartisan organization, no member shall use membership in this Fraternity to endorse a political cause or candidate and chapter meetings shall not be used as a political forum for debates, speeches or dispersal of information endorsing a political cause or candidate. SECTION 2 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP This chapter shall not seek nor accept membership in any association consisting solely of social fraternities except on approval of the National Board of Directors. AMENDMENTS Amendment I All T-Shirt designs must be approved by the chapter. Amendment II All officers and chairs must return all position related materials at the end of term. Those who fail to do so will be charged a fee. Amendment III To become an associate member, a brother must have served one semester of active status prior to associate membership. |
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