1. Leadership is developed in individual Brothers through:

[Rank in order of importance: (1-7, where 7 is least important)]

    1. Delegation by Officers & Project Chair ___
    2. Officer Apprenticeships ___
    3. Committee / Project Chairs ___
    4. Committee Membership ___
    5. Chapter Officer Orientation ___
    6. Workshops and seminars at Conferences ___
    7. Use of "Leadership Series" Guides ___
  1. Our chapter has participated /will participate in the following programs conducted

by the fraternity. (Yes / No )

    1. Chapter Program Workshop ___
    2. Leadership Development Workshop ___
    3. Sectional Conferences ___
    4. Regional / National Conferences ___

3. Our chapter conducts/will conduct a "Chapter Program Planning Conference" (CPPC)

at least annually:

Yes ____ No _____

4. Our chapter has / will have (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)

    1. Executive Committee Meetings ___
    2. Chapter Meetings ___
    3. Pledge Class Meetings ___

5. Chapter meetings are / will be conducted according to :

(Check appropriate answer)

    1. an agenda planned by the president alone ___
    2. an agenda planned by the executive committee ___
    3. no agenda – whoever wants to raise an issue can ___

6. Chapter meetings usually last: (check one)

    1. less than 1 hour ___
    2. 1-2 hours ___
    3. 2-3 hours ___
    4. More than 3 hours ___

7. The chapter executive committee’s meetings are/will be open to:

(Yes / No )

    1. Pledges ___
    2. non-officer Brothers ___
    3. advisors ___
    4. others (specify _______________) ___


8. On a scale from 1 (best) to 10 (worst) rate the effectiveness of:

    1. Executive committee ___
    2. Service Committee ___
    3. Membership Committee ___
    4. Fellowship Committee ___
    5. Finance Committee ___

9. How often do/will advisors: (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)

    1. Meet ___
    2. meet with the president ___
    3. meet with the officers ___
    4. meet with the pledges ___
    5. meet with entire chapter ___

10. Our chapter promotes / will promote communication and activity

With the rest of the Fraternity through (check those which apply)

    1. chapter newsletter ___
    2. article contributions to sectional / regional newsletters ___
    3. article contributions to Torch & Trefoil ___
    4. communication with the sectional chair (apart from conferences) ___
    5. communication with the regional director (apart from conferences) ___
    6. having a fund to assist chapter delegates in attend National Conventions ___
    7. participation in projects/activities with other chapters ___

(apart from conferences)


11. Our chapter considers and uses / will use as resources (Yes / No )

    1. Alumni ___
    2. Advisors ___
    3. sectional / regional staff ___
    4. local Scouting volunteers ___
    5. faculty and staff ___
    6. others in community ___


12. (a) How many Brothers hold campus leadership positions?

(b) The chapters attitudes towards brothers holding such leadership positions can be best described as :

(check one)

    1. encouraging ___
    2. discouraging ___
    3. noncommittal ___


1. Our chapter operates / will operate within a written budget, approved by

the brothers (Yes / No) ___

2. Accurate financial records / will be kept by our Treasurer? (Yes / No) ___

3. Our chapter receives / will receive a report from the Treasurer on the financial situation:

(weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, once a semester, once a year, never) ____________

4. These financial records are / will be audited by a qualified person at least once a year (Yes / No ) _____

5. Federal and State tax returns are / will be filled out and submitted on time : (Yes / No ) _______

6. Our chapter has/will have a public relations program which includes : (Yes / No )

    1. providing information to campus and community media about our activities ___
    2. maintaining contact with college officials ___
    3. maintaining contact with service organizations in the community ___
    4. other (describe_______________________________) ___

7. Our chapter utilizes / will utilize the following to publicize it’s events and / or accomplishments (yes / no)

    1. campus newspapers ___
    2. chapter newsletter ___
    3. community newspaper ___
    4. campus TV / Radio ___
    5. community TV / Radio ___
    6. posters ___
    7. word-of-mouth ___
    8. other (explain______________________) ___





1. Our recruiting program includes / will include: (Yes / No)

    1. pre-rush orientation for the Brothers ___
    2. fellowship activities ___
    3. service activities ___
    4. use of paid-advertising ___
    5. use of rush materials provided by the Fraternity ___
    6. informational meeting ("rush") for prospectives ___

2. Our chapter makes / will make non-members feel welcome to attend service projects: (Yes / No) ____

3. Our pledge program lasts / will last: (Check one)

    1. 1-5 weeks ___
    2. 6-10 weeks ___
    3. more than 10 weeks ___


4. During the pledge period, pledges are/will be asked to : (yes / no )

    1. attend pledge class meetings
    2. attend chapter meetings
    3. participate in chapter service projects
    4. plan their own service projects
    5. learn the history of the fraternity
    6. learn the history of the chapter
    7. study the fraternity’s pledge manual
    8. participate in chapter fellowship activities
    9. plan their own fellowship activities
    10. meet all of the brothers
    11. attend various committee meetings
    12. attend executive committee meetings


5. In reference to the "National Pledging Standards": (yes / no)

    1. the chapter has a copy ___
    2. the pledging standards are followed without exception ___
    3. the entire chapter fully understands the pledging standards ___
    4. pledges are provided with a copy of the pledging standards at the

beginning of the program ___


6. What proportion of the Brotherhood participates in chapter activities (check one)

    1. 10% ___
    2. 25% ___
    3. 50% ___
    4. 75% ___
    5. 100% ___
    6. NA ___


7. Our spirit of Brotherhood and feeling of harmony can best be described : (check one)

    1. very weak ___
    2. weak ___
    3. fair ___
    4. strong ___
    5. very strong ___


8. Not including those Brothers who have left campus, the chapter has

Retained the following "percentage" of its Brothers: _______



9. We have an alumni program that encourages / will encourage alumni to participate in : (Yes / No )

    1. initiations / rituals
    2. banquets
    3. chapter meeting
    4. service projects
    5. parties
    6. other (explain________________________)
    7. nothing


10. We help/will help alumni in contact with the Fraternity (Yes / No )

    1. Chapter newsletter
    2. Promotion of Life Membership
    3. Annual Alumni get-together


11. Our advisor program includes / will include: (yes / no )

    1. recruitment of faculty members ___
    2. key members of the administration ___
    3. at least one scouting advisor ___
    4. regular meetings between the Advisory Committee and
    5. the chapter president and / or executive committee ___

    6. regular meetings between the Advisory Chair and our president ___
    7. regular use of the advisors as a resource ___




1. Our service program includes service to : (Yes / No)

    1. the Nation ___
    2. the community ___
    3. the campus ___
    4. the Fraternity ___


2. Our participation in National Service Week includes / will include : (Yes / No )

    1. conducting a service project on a theme ___
    2. obtaining governmental proclamation ___
    3. publicizing the event through campus and community media ___
    4. involving other organizations in promoting and participating in
    5. National Service Week ___

    6. reporting the project to the National Office by November 15 ___


3. We keep / will keep a written record and evaluations of the Service Projects,

Including what made each a success or a failure (Yes / No) ___



4. We review / will review the current Service Program to determine the value

Of current projects and the need for different or additional projects:

(Check appropriate response)

    1. after each project is completed ___
    2. once a semester / trimester / quarter ___
    3. once a year ___
    4. once in a while ___
    5. never ___


5. What proportion of the chapter’s Brothers contribute / will contribute a significant

Amount of time, effort, and commitment to the Service Program: (Check the best answer)

    1. 10% ___
    2. 25% ___
    3. 50% ___
    4. 75% ___
    5. 100% ___
    6. NA ___


6. What proportion of the chapter’s pledges contribute / will contribute a significant

Amount of time, effort, and commitment to the Service Program: (Check the best answer)

    1. 10% ___
    2. 25% ___
    3. 50% ___
    4. 75% ___
    5. 100% ___
    6. NA ___


7. Has the chapter raised funds for charitable organizations during the 1997-98 academic year?

Yes______ No _________

If yes, list the charity(s) and the amount contributed to each.