1. Leadership is developed in individual Brothers through:
[Rank in order of importance: (1-7, where 7 is least important)]
- Delegation by Officers & Project Chair ___
- Officer Apprenticeships ___
- Committee / Project Chairs ___
- Committee Membership ___
- Chapter Officer Orientation ___
- Workshops and seminars at Conferences ___
- Use of "Leadership Series" Guides ___
- Our chapter has participated /will participate in the following programs conducted
by the fraternity. (Yes / No )
- Chapter Program Workshop ___
- Leadership Development Workshop ___
- Sectional Conferences ___
- Regional / National Conferences ___
3. Our chapter conducts/will conduct a "Chapter Program Planning Conference" (CPPC)
at least annually:
Yes ____ No _____
4. Our chapter has / will have (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)
- Executive Committee Meetings ___
- Chapter Meetings ___
- Pledge Class Meetings ___
5. Chapter meetings are / will be conducted according to :
(Check appropriate answer)
- an agenda planned by the president alone ___
- an agenda planned by the executive committee ___
- no agenda – whoever wants to raise an issue can ___
6. Chapter meetings usually last: (check one)
- less than 1 hour ___
- 1-2 hours ___
- 2-3 hours ___
- More than 3 hours ___
7. The chapter executive committee’s meetings are/will be open to:
(Yes / No )
- Pledges ___
- non-officer Brothers ___
- advisors ___
- others (specify _______________) ___
8. On a scale from 1 (best) to 10 (worst) rate the effectiveness of:
- Executive committee ___
- Service Committee ___
- Membership Committee ___
- Fellowship Committee ___
- Finance Committee ___
9. How often do/will advisors: (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)
- Meet ___
- meet with the president ___
- meet with the officers ___
- meet with the pledges ___
- meet with entire chapter ___
10. Our chapter promotes / will promote communication and activity
With the rest of the Fraternity through (check those which apply)
- chapter newsletter ___
- article contributions to sectional / regional newsletters ___
- article contributions to Torch & Trefoil ___
- communication with the sectional chair (apart from conferences) ___
- communication with the regional director (apart from conferences) ___
- having a fund to assist chapter delegates in attend National Conventions ___
- participation in projects/activities with other chapters ___
(apart from conferences)
11. Our chapter considers and uses / will use as resources (Yes / No )
- Alumni ___
- Advisors ___
- sectional / regional staff ___
- local Scouting volunteers ___
- faculty and staff ___
- others in community ___
12. (a) How many Brothers hold campus leadership positions?
(b) The chapters attitudes towards brothers holding such leadership positions can be best described as :
(check one)
- encouraging ___
- discouraging ___
- noncommittal ___
1. Our chapter operates / will operate within a written budget, approved by
the brothers (Yes / No) ___
2. Accurate financial records / will be kept by our Treasurer? (Yes / No) ___
3. Our chapter receives / will receive a report from the Treasurer on the financial situation:
(weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, once a semester, once a year, never) ____________
4. These financial records are / will be audited by a qualified person at least once a year (Yes / No ) _____
5. Federal and State tax returns are / will be filled out and submitted on time : (Yes / No ) _______
6. Our chapter has/will have a public relations program which includes : (Yes / No )
- providing information to campus and community media about our activities ___
- maintaining contact with college officials ___
- maintaining contact with service organizations in the community ___
- other (describe_______________________________) ___
7. Our chapter utilizes / will utilize the following to publicize it’s events and / or accomplishments (yes / no)
- campus newspapers ___
- chapter newsletter ___
- community newspaper ___
- campus TV / Radio ___
- community TV / Radio ___
- posters ___
- word-of-mouth ___
- other (explain______________________) ___
1. Our recruiting program includes / will include: (Yes / No)
- pre-rush orientation for the Brothers ___
- fellowship activities ___
- service activities ___
- use of paid-advertising ___
- use of rush materials provided by the Fraternity ___
- informational meeting ("rush") for prospectives ___
2. Our chapter makes / will make non-members feel welcome to attend service projects: (Yes / No) ____
3. Our pledge program lasts / will last: (Check one)
- 1-5 weeks ___
- 6-10 weeks ___
- more than 10 weeks ___
4. During the pledge period, pledges are/will be asked to : (yes / no )
- attend pledge class meetings
- attend chapter meetings
- participate in chapter service projects
- plan their own service projects
- learn the history of the fraternity
- learn the history of the chapter
- study the fraternity’s pledge manual
- participate in chapter fellowship activities
- plan their own fellowship activities
- meet all of the brothers
- attend various committee meetings
- attend executive committee meetings
5. In reference to the "National Pledging Standards": (yes / no)
- the chapter has a copy ___
- the pledging standards are followed without exception ___
- the entire chapter fully understands the pledging standards ___
- pledges are provided with a copy of the pledging standards at the
beginning of the program ___
6. What proportion of the Brotherhood participates in chapter activities (check one)
- 10% ___
- 25% ___
- 50% ___
- 75% ___
- 100% ___
- NA ___
7. Our spirit of Brotherhood and feeling of harmony can best be described : (check one)
- very weak ___
- weak ___
- fair ___
- strong ___
- very strong ___
8. Not including those Brothers who have left campus, the chapter has
Retained the following "percentage" of its Brothers: _______
9. We have an alumni program that encourages / will encourage alumni to participate in : (Yes / No )
- initiations / rituals
- banquets
- chapter meeting
- service projects
- parties
- other (explain________________________)
- nothing
10. We help/will help alumni in contact with the Fraternity (Yes / No )
- Chapter newsletter
- Promotion of Life Membership
- Annual Alumni get-together
11. Our advisor program includes / will include: (yes / no )
- recruitment of faculty members ___
- key members of the administration ___
- at least one scouting advisor ___
- regular meetings between the Advisory Committee and
the chapter president and / or executive committee ___
- regular meetings between the Advisory Chair and our president ___
- regular use of the advisors as a resource ___
1. Our service program includes service to : (Yes / No)
- the Nation ___
- the community ___
- the campus ___
- the Fraternity ___
2. Our participation in National Service Week includes / will include : (Yes / No )
- conducting a service project on a theme ___
- obtaining governmental proclamation ___
- publicizing the event through campus and community media ___
- involving other organizations in promoting and participating in
National Service Week ___
- reporting the project to the National Office by November 15 ___
3. We keep / will keep a written record and evaluations of the Service Projects,
Including what made each a success or a failure (Yes / No) ___
4. We review / will review the current Service Program to determine the value
Of current projects and the need for different or additional projects:
(Check appropriate response)
- after each project is completed ___
- once a semester / trimester / quarter ___
- once a year ___
- once in a while ___
- never ___
5. What proportion of the chapter’s Brothers contribute / will contribute a significant
Amount of time, effort, and commitment to the Service Program: (Check the best answer)
- 10% ___
- 25% ___
- 50% ___
- 75% ___
- 100% ___
- NA ___
6. What proportion of the chapter’s pledges contribute / will contribute a significant
Amount of time, effort, and commitment to the Service Program: (Check the best answer)
- 10% ___
- 25% ___
- 50% ___
- 75% ___
- 100% ___
- NA ___
7. Has the chapter raised funds for charitable organizations during the 1997-98 academic year?
Yes______ No _________
If yes, list the charity(s) and the amount contributed to each.